What kind of security do you REALLY need?

Some people’s stories stick in your mind.


Last weekend I was lucky enough to be running workshops & co-hosting (with an amazing team) at a ‘Sup & Soul’ Water & Wellness Day retreat in wild nature by beautiful a reservoir in Sussex.  In my workshop, I heard lots of incredible stories from the wonderful women who attended. And this is where I met Laura (whose name has been changed).

She told us her story.


Laura had been in her corporate job for 22 years. Some years ago, when her relationship became violent and ultimately ended she clung to it even harder, feeling like it was her security, her only solid ground.


Happily, Laura remarried and had a child but still she clung to her job. Her husband had a business and she felt like, even though she hated it at times, they just would not have that security they needed if she left her position. Her husband disagreed, he said that he knew with her wealth of experience in her industry, she could do her own thing, start her own business. 


And then, with tears in her eyes, she told us that she had recently been made redundant and it shaken her awake. She felt so betrayed, let down & scared. She had given that company her all and stuck by them even when they had treated her badly. 


For a while, she looked for similar positions, whilst her husband kept saying she should set up on her own. ‘No’, she kept saying, ‘they needed that security.’ Just in case. 


But all the positions were huge steps backwards. Her heart wasn’t in it. 


Finally, slowly, she started to let in the idea, that maybe she was good enough, experienced enough to set up by herself. Maybe it would be ok. And so finally she is excitedly starting her new venture. 


She told us that she thought that security came from a corporate job. But she had woken up, she had realised that that was a lie, that amidst a pandemic & her redundancy, she has become aware that it came from within (that she was truly capable) and from the love in her life through her family & friends.


For her, this had been a huge life changing wake up call. 


Yes of course, there are times to stick with the job for the money but there are times when we are placing our sense of security in places that no longer warrant it. We are selling ourselves short, running old patterns & beliefs for a PERCEIVED security. 


Our world has shaken us all awake lately and is asking us to look at what truly matters.


So, what really matters to you? What do you actually really need deep down? You may be receiving some lessons around that right now, dismantling some old ideas which believe me, I know, ain’t all that comfortable to do! But it’s time for the new which is so much more in alignment with who you truly are. 


The answers for yourself are right there inside of you, you wise one. You just have to ask the questions & listen. 


You don’t need to be perfect & struggle-free (phew!). Two Truths.


One big reason you get so tired.