Are you a Warrioress (without realising). It’s time to heal the ‘toughing it out’ pattern.
Do you have a Warrior/Warrioress pattern (maybe without even realising?). Do you often just tough things out?
I believe that you’re stronger that you know.
I’m seeing a pattern come up for my clients at the moment (& me!) that’s ready for some healing.
The warrioress pattern means that you just get on with it! When there’s no one, it seems, to ask for help, to give you praise/encouragement, to support you or hold you in your fears or do the extra physical or emotional labour… just dig in & get on.
Perhaps this was the case in your childhood too.
Or it might simply have come from being an adult and seeing that that is the way life is.
Maybe you do have people to ask for support now but it feels too needy, you don’t want to burden them or seem like you haven’t got your sh*t together. So you grow a wide tolerance for things & a lot of strength (which is also an amazing gift by the way), maybe educate yourself more, get more personal development tools, perhaps sleep less & get on!
It can also feel just too vulnerable or unsafe to do it another way.
And sometimes there may really be no one to ask for help!
But I’m seeing where women (& some men too) are getting depleted, cynical, tired & the old way of toughing it out through strength just isn’t quite working in the same way as before.
Because the vulnerable part of us, the inner child & even the adult part too is wanting more—actually wanting encouragement, support, deeper connection, a rest & to find a new way.
In 2018 I emotionally burnt myself out. I put on a big conference for creative women called Wildfire Women in London. It went really well but was SO much work & down to lack of resources & a tough it out attitude, I was left having just broken even & very tired. Of course I now see that I needed a pot of cash & a bigger team!
At the time though there didn’t seem to be another way. We’re all doing our best & learning as we go.
But just notice, is there a part of you in your relationships, work or life in general that goes into warrioress, that just feels like you HAVE to push through.
And even if right now, it’s tricky to get those needs met, at least the inner child in you or the struggling adult (the vulnerable part) doesn’t just need to be pushed aside. They can be connected with, listened to, given compassion & care….at least by you & perhaps another loving human in your life if there’s one available.
I also think in taking a beat and changing the warrioress habit you give yourself and the Universe the chance to offer you another way and maybe a little more ease will come along at some point.
We live in a society that teaches individualism & separation, where there is generational trauma which holds people back from connection but you are not truly alone.
Imagine receiving what it is that the vulnerable part of you really needed or needs now—to be held, unconditionally loved, encouraged, receive empathy, emotional safety, practical help….whatever it is, you deserve to feel it (& have it too).